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Lunar eclipse in capricorn
© | lubaina

Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn ~ Things are getting serious

So here we are, smack in the middle of eclipse season, fresh off our recent retrograde experiences, which including nothing less than a partial blackout in Manhattan after 42 years. The world seems a little bit crazy right now. In fact, I’ve had clients ‘regress’ into patterns they had left behind years ago, I have friends who are hanging on wondering when it’s all going to be over, when is life going to make sense, when will work not feel like enslavement, when will the world just give us all a break. In a nutshell, things are getting serious baby!

In my typical influenced too much by Neptunian fashion, I started the eclipse season on the heels of a mini meltdown and nightmares (Neptune is after all the planet of dreams). And Mercury going retrograde seemed to kick in the retrograde energy for me very strongly, where I was not only regressing into my old patterns and ways of thinking, but I started attracting men who were very clearly representing my old ways of being in relationships and the toxicity I used to be attracted to. For a hot second I wondered what the point of all this inner work was if I was going to get on the old carousel with familiar horses. Then it hit me. My new mantra was surrender and if I was ever going to fully surrender these old monsters under my bed, then I had to look at them straight in the eye and refuse to play their games.

This is the kind of energy that the lunar eclipse in Capricorn tomorrow brings around for us. We are confronted by this eclipse to look at those monsters under our bed, to acknowledge their presence in our lives and then consciously choose to let them go. The effects of a lunar eclipse can be felt for up to three months in our lives. Stern Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, will insist that we stay present, while the mystical lunar energy coming through in the form of an eclipse will bring out the darkness, ready to be purged. Whether it’s a violent purge or an ecstatic transformation is left up to us as
the stars always incline, they do not compel. In other words, we have the choice of how we experience our soul’s desire to acquaint us with what lies in the shadows.

Adding even more panache to the cleansing effect of the eclipse on our psyche, the two strong aspects influencing the flavor of this full moon is the Sun opposite Pluto and Moon conjunct Pluto. For those of you not familiar with Pluto’s tendencies to transform everything it touches, think either volcanic eruptions that can destroy or passionate lovemaking that touches you to the core of your being; or both. With these aspects, our emotions are running high and as a result our relationships will be forced to undergo a kind of scrutiny that will make us question their purpose and their death. On the negative side, a lot of relationships cannot withstand this kind of Plutonic change. On the positive side, the ones that do are worth the work and effort.

Which brings us to the most important relationship of all, the one we have with ourselves. Moon in Capricorn will have us take a hard look at what we are doing with ourselves. It will be almost impossible for us to lie to ourselves about what works and what doesn’t work in our lives, including the work we do (Capricorn rules the 10th house in astrology, which is the domain of our professions), and it’s relationship (there’s that word again) to our domestic lives (the Sun during this eclipse is still in Cancer ruling our homes and family lives). For those people with strong 10th and 4th house or Cancer-Capricorn placements, this eclipse might feel raw and intense, bringing up things not only from the past, but also from our childhoods and potential past life influences.

Now given all this information we have about the melody the stars are singing — I liken it to a soulful composition full of crescendos, yet one that create a yearning that is hard to explain — what can we do? For starters, when things get this serious planetarily, the worst thing we can do is resist. It is best to ride the waves with this one. Set a clear intention to embrace all that this vibrational energy brings, and to look at the darkness with unflinching honesty. Only then will those monstrous shapes take more of the form of our friends and teach us more about our inner world, about our fears and blocks and our awareness of these
friends of ours is the first step towards bringing more light and clarity into our lives. In the real world, what we don’t know is often what hurts us the most.

So my friends, I encourage you to bring forth all your courage and allow your inner spiritual warrior to come forth with the weapon of truth. Dance with your shadows and you will discover their capacity for light. Dance under this full moon with all the love you can muster. It can be, as a wise Plutonian friend of mine said, ‘the difference between gracefully riding a bull or getting trampled by it’.
Want to know what the stars have to say to you? Book an Astrology Reading with me to find out what guidance the stars have for you and your life.