Awaken your True Self
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© | lubaina

Toxic Relationships β€” Breaking free from the cycle

Love in its truest sense is freedom. It is an expansive force that accepts and embraces all that we are. Within relationships, love is the ability to be able to have unconditional acceptance of another without judgement. Often we confuse love with attachment. Attachments keep us bound in illusions. Attachments make us look for permanence within what can never be permanent — the material world. Everything in the material world is subject to the law of birth and death. So if we attach ourselves to something that will inevitably come to an end, we will suffer. This kind of attachment is prevalent in our relationships in our modern world where we look for permanence and stability in another person, instead of connecting to that essence within us that is permanent, our spirit, our soul.
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The Chemistry of Relationships

For the longest time, every intimate relationship I got into with a man seemed to have the same toxic qualities to it. Starting with an early marriage and divorce, every man I dated and fell for was in some way or another not right for me.

Eventually I realized that I was dating the same person over and over again; until my last relationship, which while even it was one of the most painful experiences to be in, I woke up and realized that this person in front of me was reflecting all my fears, my shadows and beliefs of myself.

He was the harshest mirror I ever looked into, yet I will forever be grateful we crossed paths. This relationship, and more importantly the break up and healing from it, was the most honest experience I had. It helped me understand a simple truth β€” love is an internal experience, not an external one.

New moon in Virgo
© | lubaina

New Moon and Stellium in Virgo ~ No More Time for Mind Games

In astrology, a new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in the same sign and a stellium occurs when there are three or more planets in the same sign. This new moon in Virgo brings with it a stellium in it’s sign, with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo. This is a very precise and interesting energy with an earthy, yet mercurial feel to it. Both the sun and moon are conjunct both Venus and Mars (although closer to Mars), so while the Mars conjunctions may bring out a combative energy, the Venus conjunctions soften the aggressiveness that we might feel. What it actually may translate into is a desire to express creativity through grounded action.
Sturgeon full moon
© | lubaina

Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius β€” Calm your fire to hear your Truth

This morning at 8:30am, the full sturgeon moon in Aquarius rose high in the sky. This August full moon is always an interesting polarity of energies because while the Sun in Leo is heart energy, it is personal love, self-love while the Moon in Aquarius is love for all humanity, a universal love. Both are necessary, because we cannot love anybody else if we don’t know how to love ourselves, and also if we don’t learn to share the love we have, we cannot grow and evolve.
© | lubaina

Sirius Rising and Jupiter trine Venus ~ Lion’s Gate Portal of Expansive Heart Energy

Today marks the climax of what has famously been named ‘the Lion’s gate portal’. This is the time during the year when the fixed star Sirius is able to rise up without being blocked by our sun as it moves from Cancer to it’s native sign of Leo. In addition to that, the Lion’s Gate Portal also marks the time of Venus in Leo making the harmonious trine aspect to Jupiter. Many astrologers consider this a spiritually expansive time, given that Sirius represents our Spiritual Sun, and the Venus energy is one of Love while Jupiter is expansion in consciousness.
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